Post-Partum Danger Signs

Post-Partum Danger Signs

Mom If You Have:

  • A fever above 100.4 degrees by mouth
  • A change or increase in pain, in your bottom or where you have stitches
  • Pain or burning when you go to the bathroom
  • To go to the bathroom more often than usual after the first week
  • New stomach pains
  • A sudden increase in vaginal bleeding that does not stop with rest, soaks a pad per hour, or passing clots larger than a golf ball
  • Pain, swelling, or redness of the breast with no relief
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feelings that are out of your control
  • Thoughts of harming yourself, your baby, or others
  • Complacency and do not look forward to anything you used to enjoy
  • Feelings of numbness or feel like you cannot move to take care of yourself or your baby

If Baby: 

  • Has a fever above 100 degrees under the arm (make sure the infant is not dressed too warmly or held for a long time right before the temperature was taken)
  • Skips two or more feedings
  • (Breastfed) has less than six wet diapers and less than three to four stools per day during the first two weeks
  • (Formula-fed) has fewer than six wet diapers per day and less than one to two stools every day
  • Has bloody or runny stools
  • Has forceful or frequent throwing up
  • Has skin color changes (becomes pale or blue)
  • If the white of the eyes and the bottom of the feet or palms of the hands become yellow
  • Has a skin rash
  • Has bleeding, drainage, or redness from the belly button cord or circumcision site