Taylor Boxx PA-C
Board Certified - Physician Assistant
"With every visit, I aim to listen closely, speak honestly, and provide excellent medical care."
Call 715.834.2788 to schedule an appointment with this provider.
If you would like to schedule an OakLeaf Direct appointment, call 715.552.9797.
Ms. Boxx sees patients of all ages for acute or chronic needs. She particularly enjoys working with adults and children with special needs. She is passionate about educating patients and empowering them to advocate for their needs and desires. Ms. Boxx grew up in Eau Claire and has practiced family medicine, urgent care, and hospital medicine. She lives in Eau Claire with her husband and two children. In her spare time, she loves reading, running, and spending time at the lake.
Graduate School (2014)
- AT Still University
Mesa, AZ, United States
Professional Societies
- American Academy of Physician Assistants
- Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants

Schedule an appointment with me at these locations:
OakLeaf Clinics - Pine Grove Family Medicine
617 W Clairemont Ave • Eau Claire