Avoiding Ankle Injuries in the Snow and Ice
Here in Wisconsin, we are beginning to see our beautiful fall weather turn to snow and ice. Ankle injuries are exceedingly common in the winter months due to icy sidewalks and driveways. If you slip, your body tends to go one way, and your foot goes the other way. While some ankle injuries can be treated non-surgically with a walking boot or ankle brace, some ankle injuries will require surgery to realign and fix the broken bones. X-rays are needed to determine the extent of the injury and whether it will require surgery.
As our Wisconsin winter starts to ramp up, take a few precautions to prevent injury:
- Wear the right footwear. Look for boots with treads to prevent slipping. Lace-up boots that go above the ankle can provide support and protect your ankle if you fall.
- Slow down. Allow enough time for yourself to go to and from your car, shovel your driveway, or walk your dog.
- Avoid icy areas. If you have difficulty getting around in winter weather, avoid going out until the snow has been cleared and the sidewalks have been salted.
- Decorate cautiously. Be safe while hanging Christmas lights or other holiday decorations.
Dr. Cifaldi specializes in treating ankle injuries both surgically and non-surgically. If you've slipped on the ice and experienced a foot or ankle injury, same-day or next-day appointments are available.
For appointments in Eau Claire, call 715-834-2788.
For appointments in Turtle Lake, call 715-986-2022.

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